Did You Know Landscaping Rocks Can Affect Soil Health? Insights for Gardeners
Landscaping rocks are a popular choice for enhancing garden aesthetics, but did you know they can also impact soil health? The mineral composition of these rocks can influence soil pH, nutrient levels, and overall plant health. In this blog, we’ll dive into the science behind how specific decorative rocks affect…

All About Landscaping Rocks: Types, How to Choose Them & More
Choosing the right landscaping rocks can significantly improve the functionality and appearance of your garden. This guide offers detailed insights into various types of landscaping rocks, as well as advice on selection, installation, and maintenance to help you find the perfect rocks for your landscaping needs. What Makes Landscaping Rocks…

6 Tips for Spring Interlock Maintenance (Infographic)
Springtime rejuvenates nature and should do the same for your outdoor living spaces. As temperatures rise and flowers bloom, it’s the perfect time to give your interlock pavers some much-needed attention. This blog and infographic breaks down six essential interlock maintenance tips to keep your pavers pristine. Here’s a concise…

How to Cut Pavers: A Step-by-Step Guide to Personalize Your Outdoor Space
Cutting pavers might seem like a specialist’s job, but it’s something you can do right at home. Whether you’re laying down a path, building a patio, or adding decorative touches to your garden, cutting pavers allows you to customize and adapt materials to fit your design perfectly. In this guide,…

8 Ways to Conserve Water When Landscaping This Summer (With Infographic)
We go all winter with a bare yard, no colour, and brown plants. So it’s only natural, when spring and summer come around, that you want to indulge in lush greenery throughout your property. But that increase in outdoor water usage comes with a price – figuratively and literally. In…

5 Easy Home Exterior Projects You Can Do This Summer
Your home is one of the most expensive things you’ll ever pay for, so whether you’re renting or buying, you should take good care of it. Now that it’s summer, it’s the perfect time to do weekend home exterior projects, so you can enjoy your home improvements all year long.…

6 Things to Look for When Choosing A Landscape Contractor (With Infographic)
You’ve decided to start a landscaping project – congratulations! The next step is to decide if your project requires a landscape contractor. And if you need to hire one, how do you know what to look for? In this article (with infographic), we go over everything you need to know…

Your Complete Guide to Installing Brick Veneer
As Beautiful as Full-size Brick Considering the aesthetics, durability and affordability of brick veneer siding as compared to real brick, veneer siding is often a winner. In terms of appearance, anyone would be hard-pressed to tell the difference between full-size brick and brick veneer once installed and pointed with mortar.…

How Do I Choose The Right Ledgestone Veneer Product For My Project?
Ledgestone veneer offers a cost-effective and attractive option, both indoors and outdoors. This guide will help you understand the key factors to consider when choosing ledgestone for your project, explore common applications, and provide tips for maintaining your ledgestone features. How to Choose Ledgestone Veneer When choosing a product for…

Your Guide to Building Stunning Features with Ledgerock
Ledgerock is a versatile and natural building material that can add both beauty and functionality to your outdoor (or even indoor!) design projects. Whether you’re a homeowner looking to enhance your garden or a professional landscaper searching for the perfect finishing touch, ledgerock has plenty to offer. This blog is…